2024年12月7日,是Geetaji诞辰80周年的纪念日。 这位伟大的女性瑜伽泰斗,在世时,用慈爱之心与天赋的智慧化作几十年来的努力与教学,沿着父亲的路,将瑜伽不断传承,造福了千千万万的习练者。 作为瑜伽大师B.K.S.艾扬格的女儿, Geeta ...
This practice leads to strengthening the physical body and it is therapeutic for organic diseases; b) Atmiya (personal Spirit) Pranayama: It is defined as a mental-spiritual breathing rhythmic ...
艾扬格大师(B.K.S. Iyengar)写道:“放下不意味着放弃努力,而是超越结果的束缚。”这与帕坦伽利提出的离欲的真谛完全一致,即不是远离世界,而是学会在世界中保持超然的心境。
Embrace your inner peace with 'The Power of Now' The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle holds a special place in Novak Djokovic's ...
Explore the historical significance of December 14, highlighting notable births such as B.K.S. Iyengar and Raj Kapoor, ...
His scholarship has been revoked, and the magazine is now banned. Iyengar's essay appeared in Written Revolution, a student magazine. MIT claims it incited violence. The essay's language was seen ...
Written Revolution is a multidisciplinary student magazine, about the pro-Palestine movement, that published Iyengar's essay. It has also been banned. The essay that Iyengar wrote is called 'On ...
Good Spirits, by B.K. Borison, out next fall from Avon Books, blends magic, mayhem and cozy holiday charm. It follows protagonist Harriet York as she's haunted by the ghost of Christmas past ...
The MIT Coalition Against Apartheid said Iyengar's suspension is effectively expulsion as his academic career will be disrupted and his readmission will have to be allowed by the same panel that ...
In connection to this the MIT Coalition Against Apartheid has launched a protest calling the institute’s decision a blow to freedom of speech. Iyengar was pursuing a PhD from the Department of ...
This suspension effectively terminates Iyengar's five-year NSF fellowship and severely disrupts his academic career, the organisation said in the post. It added that Iyengar, a PhD student in the ...