Feeling dry? It's the worst time of year for tight, parched and flaky skin, as central heating and bitterly cold weather dehydrate and irritate our faces.
• Topical treatments: Over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream can help with mild flare-ups. For more severe cases, pediatricians may prescribe stronger topical steroids or calcineurin inhibitors.
When it snows in the South, a fresh batch of snow ice cream is just minutes away. Sheri Castle is an award-winning professional food writer, recipe developer, and cooking teacher with over 25 years of ...
This soothing tea is a classic remedy for colds and coughs. Ginger reduces inflammation and fights infections, lemon is packed with vitamin C, and honey soothes the throat. Bring water to a boil and ...
La Mer costs hundreds of dollars, and Nivea is just $9.99. This is perhaps my greatest skin-care secret! It's the ideal everyday face moisturizer for winter, and it makes an excellent night cream too.