Use your monthly budget to estimate your maximum car price with our car affordability calculator. Adjust loan term, down payment, and trade-in value to see how changes affect how much car you can ...
One person was injured when concrete came loose from a railroad bridge in East Baltimore and struck a car below on Sunday, according to the Baltimore City Fire Department. The concrete fell onto ...
Railway Age’s December 2024 issue is now available digitally, featuring the 2025 Freight Rail Outlook that recommends railroads “keep the throttle in Notch 8, but be prepared for some rough track and ...
Ariel may not be the first automaker you think of when you talk about lightweight sports cars - Lotus, Caterham, and even the Mazda MX-5 Miata tend to enter the conversation first - but as far as ...
TOKYO -- Hitachi Rail announced Monday that it has won an order to make 70 train cars for U.K. rail lines, to be run under a lease arrangement with maintenance services together expected to be ...
Insuring your car has never been more expensive: According to the Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index, average premiums for auto insurance jumped 16.5% between August 2023 and 2024.
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