The Doomsday Clock now stands at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe in its nearly eight-decade history.
Scientists and global leaders revealed on Tuesday that the "Doomsday Clock" has been reset to the closest humanity has ever ...
Once China produced weapons-grade uranium, it assembled its first atomic bomb in as little as three to five weeks. Iran may ...
Just before 11am on August 9 ... That very act saved their lives. Only two atomic bombs have ever been dropped in the history of mankind, both by the United States in 1945 in the final stages ...
Why Did the Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima Leave Shadows ... Amelia Clarke is a journalist from London, England. Before joining Snopes as a reporter, she worked for BBC News as a producer.
Fukahori represented the bomb victims at a ceremony, making his “pledge for peace,” saying: “I am determined to send our message to make Nagasaki the final place where an atomic bomb is ever ...
organization of atomic bomb survivors, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize About 15 years ago, he became more outspoken following a visit to Spain where he encountered a man who experienced the bombing ...