The long-awaited anime adaptation of Masamune Shirow’s 1985 manga series, Appleseed XIII comprises an effective introduction to the maestro’s work and goes some way towards proving that all good ...
December 2, 2024, Press Release from the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District: The Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District has released information on some upcoming programs and events for ...
ALLEN COUNTY, OH (WLIO) - Getting children excited about nature is the goal of Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District's Nature Pals program. It's a monthly program that brings children aged 3 to ...
There is still some fine talent plying their trade in France's highest league, Super XIII. Although it is not usually a competition on the radar of many rugby league fans, France’s Super XIII is a ...
Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Complete Series [UK] (Blu-ray) 2021-12-06 Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Complete Series [UK] [Collector's Edition] (Blu-ray) 2021-12-06 Neon Genesis ...