Pick one Legend to start with, learn the ping system to talk with teammates, and practice with a few weapons you like. This guide will walk you through these fundamentals and help you start winning ...
Who are the Apex Legends characters? Our handy breakdown of each legend in Apex Legends and their abilities will be just the ticket. Whether you’re considering who to try first, or who you would ...
This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the Takeover Update for Apex Legends, including a link to the full Patch Notes.
These are the best Legends to use in Apex ... Bloodhound is still a good character in Apex Legend. Their information is valuable, and they’ve got a beginner-friendly kit that’s always effective.
Season 24 of Apex Legends has arrived, and the latest pick rates will tell you which Legends are dominating the meta right now. Pick rate data can be valuable for players across all experience ...
Respawn - the team that brought us Apex Legends and Titanfall - has reportedly cancelled an unannounced first-person multiplayer shooter. A post by former Respawn production coordinator Emilee ...
Like all of its legends, the weapons of Apex Legends are all viable in different situations. Even though one gun may have more damage per bullet than another, that stat is balanced by influences ...
Just like that, season 24 of Apex Legends is almost here. Named Takeover, the sixth anniversary season of the game is going to significantly change how it’s played—as has become tradition with ...
The Apex Legends Season 24 Twitch Drops are here, giving players an exciting opportunity to unlock some exclusive in-game rewards. The freebies have arrived with the release of the new season on ...
Apex Legends Season 24 has brought some new gameplay material by collaborating with some of the most popular content creators. These are new Takeover modes for the casual playlist, which will pack ...
The developers of Apex Legends never rest. Whether Respawn is releasing a new legend, expansive maps, or fancy cosmetics, there's always something fresh around the corner in Apex. Now, the 24th ...
Since its launch in 2019, Apex Legends has consistently ranked among the top competitive multiplayer games worldwide. As a staple in the Battle Royale genre, Respawn Entertainment persistently updates ...