Based on vision shared by Cronulla & National Park Ferry Cruises, Pirotta said she believed the whale was a juvenile in ...
The Antarctic minke whale was seen far from home frolicking in the ocean near Bundeena Wharf, south of Sydney, today.
Ferry-goers and passers-by on the coast of Australia were in for a special surprise when a gray ocean creature made its way close to shore. A fin popped out of the water followed by a head and blow of ...
A rare Antarctic minke whale was spotted by ferry passengers frolicking in the water near Bundeena Wharf, south Sydney.
was astounded to see the vision of what she believes is a juvenile Antarctic minke whale swimming under and around the Bundeena ferry wharf in Sydney’s south on Monday morning. “A sighting ...
Based on vision shared by Cronulla & National Park Ferry Cruises, Pirotta said she believed the whale was a juvenile in fairly good condition. Antarctic minke whales have been observed travelling ...
A rare Antarctic minke whale was spotted by ferry passengers frolicking in the water near Bundeena Wharf, south Sydney. Added9 hours ago A Perth father-of-two has been taken to hospital after he ...
Activists have called Japan's programme "an illegal whale hunt" Japanese hunters caught and killed 122 pregnant minke whales as part of its Antarctic summer "field survey". A report sent to the ...
In total, 17,072 whales, such as sei and Antarctic minke whales, have been flensed and cut up in the Antarctic Sea, the Northwest Pacific Ocean and waters around Japan. Up until the 1970s when ...
Footage has captured the “magic” moment a whale known to frequent icier waters swam by passengers on a Sydney ferry to say ...
The statement confirmed that 333 whales, including a number of pregnant females, have been harpooned in Antarctic waters by ... mass slaughter of protected Minke whales in the Southern Ocean.