Deepika Padukone attended a wedding last night dressed in pink and white Patan Patola Anarkali. Well, without a doubt, she looked elegant as ever! Check out her look.
Anna Garduno is an actress, producer, writer and a teacher. She is the Executive Producer for the TV series "Sacred Games" from the international hit novel of the same name written by Vikram Chandra ...
Anna Commander is a Newsweek Editor and writer based in Florida. Her focus is reporting on crime, weather and breaking news. She has covered weather, and major breaking news events in South Florida.
We asked, “What can you show or tell us to help explain what it’s like to grow up in this political moment?” Students from around the world responded with powerful art and writing. By The ...
Anna Skinner is a Newsweek senior reporter based in Indianapolis. Her focus is reporting on the climate, environment and weather but she also reports on other topics for the National News Team.
She acted in Alan Ayckbourn's play, "Absurd Person Singular," at the Criterion Theatre in London, England in 1973 and 1974 with the original cast including Bridget Turner, Richard Briers, Michael ...