Despite starting with minimal powers, these isekai heroes become OP ... anime focus on the strength and growth of a single protagonist, these series instead focus on an entire party of characters.
Let's highlight the ages and heights of Dragon Ball Super's main ... is on the anime version of DBS. Also, the voice actors listed were sourced from BehindTheVoiceActors, and some characters ...
SUMMARY Usually in any popular series, the main hero gets all the attention and the other characters are just there to help them along the way. One Piece may have amazing side characters like Zoro, ...
Takt op. Symphony is a musically inclined tactical anime turn-based RPG that puts ... the research for you and have found out who the best characters are to bring into most of the battles in ...
It has polish, a solid main ... anime world. Not only one of the best anime games but also one of the finest fighting games ever made, Dragon Ball FighterZ is a love letter to the characters ...