Gakuen Babysitters, a Shoujo anime with a male protagonist, explores the beauty of family and how it is shaped by loss. The story follows two brothers, Ryuuichi and Kotachi, after they lose their ...
Anime fans had a great year in 2024, and with a plethora of incredible series either debuting or continuing this year, fans got to see many interesting and compelling male characters, old and new.
Anime girls with blue hair are iconic to Japanese animation studios. Kaname Chidori, Esdeath, and Ayanami Rei are examples of ...
Here, enter your YouTube username to verify that you’ve subscribed to xFrozenStudios. Do the same thing for the X codes section, where you must verify your Roblox username. After you’ve been through ...
The Ise clan's curse in Bleach is darker than it seems, revealing a disturbing connection between the family and their Zanpakuto, Hakkyoken.
We update this post in real time, so you will always find the latest active Reborn As Swordsman codes here. Enjoy the above-given codes and become the strongest swordsman in this Roblox experience. If ...
In the "2024 Comics & Webtoon User Survey," which polled 3,448 webtoon readers, Return of the Blossoming Blade claimed the ...
Your browser does not support the audio element. At Paste, we believe there’s an anime for everyone. With lists like this, diverse demographics are often left ...