Anime, originating in Japan, has long had a complicated relationship to race. In many early anime series, Black characters were almost entirely absent, and when they did appear — even later on in ...
Together, the group works tirelessly to protect the city from Infernals — violent, fiery creatures made from humans who suffer from Spontaneous Combustion. David Production’s Fire Force anime ...
North American Anime, Manga Releases, February 7-13 (Feb 9, 2021) My Friend's Little Sister Has It In for Me! (Novel 1) 2021-11-02 (from $14.99) My Friend's Little Sister Has It In for Me!
There, the two join the Coil Cyber Detective Agency, a small group of local kids who ... decides they want to be his friend. The dialog in this anime runs a mile a minute; I once had a friend ...
While a lot of anime’s 3D CGI looks stiff or awkward ... This complexity is also reflected in Mitsumi’s eclectic friend group, made up of popular folks who have had to deal with unwanted ...