The adaptation of Akimi Yoshida’s Banana Fish is one of the best anime shows exclusive to Prime Video. Animated by MAPPA, the story is mostly set in 1980s New York, following young gangster Ash ...
As a tower defense game, in Anime Adventures, you need to collect popular anime characters and deploy them to protect your base. Of course, it can take a lot of work to get the best characters, but ...
2025 might be one of the biggest years for anime ever. The amount of new anime already announced and dotted throughout the calendar should make anyone hyped. The big hitters include Demon Slayer ...
A known MS-13 gang member wanted for years for murder and terrorism in El Salvador has been busted living illegally in New Jersey. The arrest Friday of Johnathan Stanley Garcia-Vasquez in West New ...
“He was flamboyant, dressed well, and looked after himself. He did not cut the figure of a typical South African gangster,” Mr Cummings told The Telegraph, adding: “As I see it, Mark was a ...