Watch the trailer for Marvel Animation's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, a new Spider-Man animated series on Disney Plus. The animated series follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming ...
(WJAR) — The Fall River Police Department has arrested a 25-year-old man who was allegedly walking around with a loaded gun while wearing a mask. On Sunday, Police responded to Stafford Road ...
One of the funniest animated shows ever produced, King Of The Hill enjoyed a spectacular run, giving us an impressive 259 episodes of brilliant comedy. Focusing on the lives of propane-salesman Hank ...
A man in distress was holding a gun to his head in the moments before Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police shot him to death outside Coyote Joe’s nightclub Saturday, police radio traffic reveals.
KINGSTON, Jamaica – A 35- year-old chef has been slapped with three charges after allegedly pulling a gun during a dispute with another man. Marlon White, otherwise called ‘Paw’, of Rhoden ...
The boy, who had a knife, then cut the man who fired the gun, police said. Another man was also injured. Police detained two people, an underage girl and the adult man with the stab wound ...
A man went to Sky Harbor Airport with three guns on Christmas night. Police describe the incident as unrelated to the shooting that happened earlier in the day. The suspect, identified as 21-year ...
Following a stand-off with police that lasted for more than an hour, Austin was forcibly removed from the apartment after an officer was forced to deploy their taser gun on the man, police said.
LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) -- A suspect armed with a pellet gun was taken into custody Thursday following a police shooting in Long Beach. It happened just after 1:30 p.m. in the 5500 block of ...
The official Marvel YouTube channel just dropped a trailer for what appears to be a brand new animated series starring one of the MCU's most beloved superheroes. The series is called 'Your ...