Amid ongoing rumors about Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan’s divorce, an old statement by Amitabh Bachchan has resurfaced, showing his strong support for his daughter-in-law. Back in 2010, a Mum ...
A Newtown man, frustrated after an argument with his mother, tortured and stabbed two dogs to death in what Bucks County prosecutors described Wednesday as a horrific, sadistic attack. George Gooch ...
1. Learn about far-right movements and the propaganda they use, so you can identify and push back against them. 2. Call out ...
MARCA shared an article about the improbability of the boxing match between mixed martial arts exponent Conor McGregor and fighter and influencer Logan Paul, and in ...
If you are looking for a real adventure, an exotic location, battles with big, strong, angry fish on a fly rod, the waters of the Amazon jungle are all of that ...
After the Brynn Whitfield explosive drama in Season 15 of The Real Housewives of New York, it seems producers want new cast ...
We are a military that is very proud to implement the [government’s] policy, to implement the decision to return the hostages ...
A eyewitness has testified at the murder trial of a Nunavut man in St. John’s. Nathan Kavaga Amarudjuak, 38, was in the room ...
It's not particularly rare to see angry NASCAR drivers throw hands if someone feels they were disrespected on the track, but ...
New poll looks into how MA residents feel about Trump presidency, his cabinet picks, and if the country is on the wrong or ...