- Per. of shares (as a % of the total sh. of prom. and promoter group)----- - Per. of shares (as a % of the total Share Cap. of the company)----- Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention ...
As of December 31, Lakhi held a 1.21% stake in the company. In Jindal Drilling and Industries, Bhagya Laxmi Finlease & Investments (P) sold 15 lakh shares at an average price of Rs 964.61 per share.
The application deadline for the online graduate business programs at The University of Texas at Dallas (Jindal), a public school, is rolling. Fifty-seven percent of students are already employed ...
Audited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated both) for the quarter and year ended on 31st March, 2024. Jindal Photo Board Meeting Intimation for To Consider And Approve The Standalone And ...