Paying for college can be stressful and requires considerable financial planning. After using savings, scholarships and grants to pay for tuition and fees, you may still need more funds to cover ...
The Evil Dead film franchise holds the distinct honor of having not only a groovy remake, but also a downright terrifying recent standalone movie as well. Both of these films are getting new 4K ...
Los Angeles resident describes losing childhood home: 'The fire came in so quick' Jere Ashby joins 'America Reports' to recount his efforts to evacuate his parents from his childhood home before ...
The Daily Pilot’s e-newspaper includes Sunday’s coverage of Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Fountain Valley and other parts of Orange County. The Daily Pilot’s e ...
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Most human-resources managers want to further embrace AI tools, but the new technology doesn't come without concerns.… It’s another setback for a pivotal project on the Westside Trail.