A next-gen Lagrange-Newton solver for nonconvex optimization. It unifies barrier and SQP methods in a modern and generic way, and implements different globalization flavors (line search/trust region ...
We don't fully know the impact of AI on our democracy. But one thing is clear: we will need to use soft power to help return our democracy to firmer ground.
Assuming you get to this place a year or at least 6 months before you start your job search, the resources below will help you get a job regardless of your location/familiarity with computer science.
The key is not just improving quantum hardware or algorithms but optimizing the entire stack—from hardware and software to control systems and applications—to harness the computational power that’s ...
The Department of English's faculty in rhetoric and writing studies will offer two courses in the coming spring semester that tackle the complicated issues of social media and algorithm on our daily ...