So he turned to Hatshepsut, his half-sister and cousin, the oldest daughter of Thutmose I, and his principal Queen, Ahmose. Hatshepsut was a strong woman and her influence over Egypt secured Thutmose ...
Beginning with the rise of Ahmose I, who expelled the Hyksos invaders, the dynasty witnessed a golden age of Egyptian culture and military might." Get the latest news sent straight to your ...
He was born to King Thutmose I and a secondary wife, Mutnofret, securing his own position as his father’s successor by marrying his half-sister Hatshepsut, the daughter of Thutmose I and his principal ...
In 2023, Sydney Children's Hospital Network committed to "axe the fax" and moved to digital referrals, noting more than 80 per cent of referrals to hospitals were still sent via fax, post or hand ...