Children may act out in verbally and physically aggressive ways as a result of feeling threatened or when they have difficulty in regulating emotions, controlling impulses or interpreting social cues.
A briefing report - entitled There's A War Going On - Aggression and Violence in Children - disclosed that 27 per cent of calls to the charity in 2002 were about attacks by youngsters on parents ...
Most young children have a natural tendency to be aggressive, a behaviour that parents should control in kids’ pre-school years if they don’t want their young ones to be violent Most young ...
He further noted that children yelled at were at risk of being timid and aggressive. Speaking on the impact on the children, the seasoned paediatrician said, “That’s harassment to those ...
Studies show extensive viewing of television violence may cause children to become more aggressive and anxious. Children who watch many hours a week of violent TV may become inured to violence and ...
Boys exposed to violent screen content in the preschool years were more likely to become antisocial and violent themselves a decade later, in their mid-teens, a new study shows.