The Qur’an refers to this incident: “We raised the Mountain over you saying: Hold firm to what we have given you, and study its commandments; so that you may attain piety towards God, (as God lovers) ...
The promise of the Lord is for us, and we will surely succeed in His purpose, and all He has appointed in Jesus name.
6). For Xaverian Sister Juliette Ploquin, a religious nun who recently defended a thesis on the subject, "the story of Abraham and Sarah inscribes laughter within the covenant between God and ...
Both the Old and New Testaments provide a compelling case for affirming the historical and perpetual connection to the Land of Israel.
War can be understood as a modern, secular form of human sacrifice and a manifestation of sacrificial logic, particularly when viewed through the lens of ritual, symbolism and communal narratives.
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
Hours after the nation’s first execution by nitrogen gas in January last year, Alabama’s attorney general urged other states to also develop it as a method for ...
The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...
Ever after, this number becomes the sign of a covenant. Abraham sacrifices seven ewe lambs when he makes a covenant with ...
Answer 6: God created them good 1 and in his own image, 2 that is, in true righteousness and holiness, 3 so that they might ...
*Declare God’s praises as one of His treasured people.
The Covenant of Water,” by Abraham Verghese, is a sweeping multigenerational tale that begins with the arranged marriage of a ...