Released in 1970, Mera Naam Joker was a massive financial gamble for the actor-director. The film was an ambitious project in terms of scale and narrative, which led him to invest every penny he ...
Letterboxd has also released its overall list of the top-watched actors and highest-rated films of 2024, as determined by its 17 million users. The massively popular movie review website compiled ...
However, amid countless debates about the legacy of these films, film lovers have often argued over who stands as the greatest actor of the 1970s. Perhaps, at long last, we might have an answer. A ...
This was the No. 2 top-grossing movie of 1970, with an all-star cast that included Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, George Kennedy, Helen Hayes, Jean Seberg and Jacqueline Bisset. It earned more than $106 ...