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Camp Atterbury, Ind. - According to Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment (Mar 2023), reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI) is the final ...
U.S. military personnel and Ukraine. Photo: Gleb Garanich / Reuters The administration of US President Donald Trump offered Vladimir Zelensky to grant the States access to the development of 50 ...
The public attended a call to duty ceremony Sunday afternoon to honor the members’ deployment at Dublin Coffman High School. Members of the 16th Engineer Brigade, based in Columbus ...
His skillset continued to advance as he volunteered to deploy as the chief of information technology for USACE’s Task Force Restoring Iraqi Oil in 2003. In 2012, Nguyen deployed to Afghanistan ...
The middle value of all realized prices for an artist's works sold at auction during a given period, providing a clearer representation of typical market values by minimizing the influence of extreme ...
KILLEEN, Texas (KWTX/Gray News) - When a Texas soldier got home from a nine-month deployment, his first stop was the hospital where his wife works for a sweet surprise. U.S. Army Capt. William ...
The attacks and fire-bombings sweeping Brazil's northeastern state of Ceara continued unabated Sunday despite the deployment of at least 300 members the elite, military-style National Police Force ...