Natalie MacLean offers North America's most popular online wine and food pairing classes. She was named the World's Best Drinks Writer at the World Food Media Awards in Australia. Natalie has ...
Web 3 and blockchain company Zero Gravity Labs Inc., also known as 0G Labs, revealed today that it has raised $40 million in additional seed funding to accelerate the development of its ...
As fun as it can be to stop by your local wine shop and peruse their selection ahead of a dinner party or gathering (or just another Friday night), sometimes you wish you already had a few bottles ...
Anything with sesame is his all-time favorite food this week. I tried this wine club and have to say the hit rate of solid wines was extremely high for my moderately experienced palate.
BlockBeats 消息,11 月 13 日,据官方消息,0G Foundation 节点销售将在 11 月 13 日 20:00 正式开售。用户可以通过 0G Foundation 官网进行购买。
Proper glassware is more than just a flourish for your dining table. The right glass changes how you smell and taste wine, and it should inspire confidence as you swirl, sniff, and sip.