Ireland's budget shows up the stark difference between a bright, independent future in Europe and more misery under ...
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
The SNP is committed to making Scotland the nation we know it can be. Our vision is of a prosperous country where everyone gets the chance to fulfil their potential. We want a fair society where ...
If you need the help of your SNP representatives in Holyrood or Westminster, you'll find your local MSP or MP here.
The SNP is determined that every child, regardless of their circumstances, should get the best start in life, which is why we introduced Scotland’s Baby Box. Based on the Finnish model, which has a ...
Education is the best route there is to giving everyone a fair start in life. This must start with the very youngest children. We will complete the expansion of free, high quality childcare to 1,140 ...
Born in Edinburgh in 1964, John graduated with MA Honours Politics from Edinburgh University. He joined the SNP in 1979, and has over his many years of service to the party held a number of posts at ...
Scotland is leading the world on tackling the twin crises of climate change and ecological decline. We are proud to have the most ambitious legal framework for emissions reduction in the world, but ...