Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada and the U23 Men’s National Team coaching staff are pleased to announce the sixteen (16) athletes who have been selected to represent Canada at the 2025 WBSC U23 Men’s ...
Looking for a quality softball program in your community? Look no further! Below are just some of the associations across Canada promoting and using the Learn to Play Program! We want to thank and ...
Softball Canada will be hosting 3 identification camps as the next step in the selection process for the 2025 U18 Women’s National team that will be attending the U18 World Cup to be held at Devon ...
Learn to Play Makes Learning Fun! The Learn to Play program is designed to be a young person's introduction to the sport of Softball. The emphasis is on FUN, ACTION, and a POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE, with a ...
As the Learn to Play program continues to grow and evolve, coaches, coordinators and parents have come up with unique ways of making the initiative more fun and accessible for all. These resourceful ...
Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada is thrilled to announce the roster selected for the inaugural U15 Women’s National Team program. The roster, comprising 16 athletes and two alternates, will compete at ...
Softball Canada a mis sur pied un comité sur la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion (DEI) en 2021, avec des représentants de tout le Canada et de tous les secteurs du jeu (athlètes, arbitres, ...
Ottawa, Ont. - Softball Canada est heureux d'annoncer la liste des joueuses sélectionnées pour le programme inaugural de l'équipe nationale U15 féminine. L'équipe, composée de 16 athlètes et de deux ...
Thank you for your interest in Softball Canada’s LTPD Resources. In order to have access to Softball Canada's full LTPD Guide, Athlete Development Matrix V2 and other LTPD content, you are asked to ...
Softball Canada uses a blended learning approach with our NCCP coach training and education program. This means a coach’s first step in their training pathway for a given coaching context in the NCCP ...
it is based on the physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive development of children and adolescents. Each stage reflects a different point in athlete development. it ensures physical literacy upon ...