Fragrance testing explores how scents influence human behavior by evaluating their emotional, cognitive, and sensory impacts.
Habituation is, in essence, a learning process where an individual's response to a stimulus decreases after repeated exposure ...
Students are seeking cutting-edge experiences that make their applications stand out in a competitive job market. iMotions Online for Education gives undergraduate and graduate students neuromarketing ...
iMotions 10 brings a completely redesigned user experience when it comes to setting up studies and working with external stimuli. We have worked closely with our users to bring you what we believe to ...
Our face displays our outward emotional expressions – giving a view of how we show our inner emotional state. These expressed emotional states are detected in real time using fully automated computer ...
Urban densification continues unabated, even as the possible consequences for users’ eye-level experiences remain unknown. This study addresses these consequences. In a laboratory setting, images of ...
The average person spends the majority of their waking time in front of a screen – but what are they really looking at? Screen-based eye tracking allows for the measurement and analysis of visual ...
The 5-day Academy Certification Program is tailored to provide value to researchers of varying experience levels, industry, or academic interests. Our agenda includes theoretical knowledge and best ...
The Viewpointsystem VPS 19 Eye Tracking Glasses enable advanced eye tracking in industrial settings. Developed for applications such as manufacturing, occupational safety, mobility, healthcare, sports ...
Eye tracking glasses enable researchers to follow the natural gaze and attention of participants in any environment. Understanding how participants behave in truly natural settings requires moving out ...
iMotions Lab Full-scale lab based human behavior research solution. Extendable with remote data collection capabilities iMotions OnlineFor Education Smart classroom solution for immersive learning ...
Voice analysis allows you to extract information beyond linguistics. Go deep into emotion analysis and collect data related to emotion detection (angry, happy, sad, neutral), and emotional valence ...