柴油发电机的水温使用要求有明确规定,但一些操作人员却喜欢把出水温度调得很低,有的接近出水温度的下限值,有的还不到下限值。他们认为水温低,水泵中不会出现气蚀现象,冷却水(液)就不会中断,使用中有保险系数。其实水温只要不超过95℃就不会发生气蚀,冷却水( ...
A water pump is one of those items that are uncommonly used, but invaluable when needed. Rarer still are cordless versions that can be deployed at speed. Enter [DIY King 00], who has shared his ...
Netherlands-based Volta Energy has launched a 15 kVa hybrid solar generator with integrated bio-diesel for construction sites and water pump installations. It is the latest in its line of rental ...
A bill in the California legislature aims to ensure that water pumps have backup generators in the event of another major wildfire. When power is shut off due to high winds, water pumps can go ...