KnowBe4's Q3 Phishing Report reveals the most deceptive email subjects users click, indicating HR and IT-related emails account for nearly half of top-clicked phishing emails TAMPA BAY ...
KnowBe4's Q3 Phishing Report reveals the most deceptive email subjects users click, indicating HR and IT-related emails account for nearly half of top-clicked phishing emails TAMPA BAY, Fla., Dec. 3, ...
Organizations practicing regular and effective SAT see significant decreases in human risk factors and fewer real-world ...
Companies must adapt their security approach and implement a multi-layered strategy to evolve quicker than the attackers.
KnowBe4 advises organisations to implement SAT programs with at least quarterly training sessions and simulated phishing tests, noting that more frequent engagement can lead to even greater risk ...
A clever new email phishing scam can hijack a victim's PayPal account.The email requesting money uses a legitimate sender ...
Together, Egress and KnowBe4 provide customers with a seamless integration that leverages email threat intelligence to automate personalized training and phishing simulations based on real-time ...
Training courses are starting to cover deepfakes and improved phishing emails, but prompt injection remains largely unaddressed ...
Social engineering remains the most pervasive form of cyberattack for one reason: humans are easier to hack into than most ...