So researchers designed an experiment to compress hydrogen and helium, reaching pressures nearly 2 million times Earth’s atmospheric pressure and temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius ...
If the mechanical clock element got gummed up with helium, that would explain all the observed evidence. [Erik Wooldrige] reading about the issue on Reddit, did an experiment where he subjected an ...
Helium is one of our few non-renewable resources, and yet it is critical for many applications as an inert gas and as one of the coldest substances known. The unique properties of this “endangered ...
Kelvin waves have been a mystery for decades but a new method involving superfluid helium-4 can help us control them.
Cracker question because helium balloons are actually a pretty controversial topic. Some people argue that they are harmful to the environment because on returning to Earth, animals mistake them ...
In a new study published in Nature Physics, researchers have developed the first controlled method for exciting and observing ...
Scientists have controlled Kelvin waves in superfluid helium-4, using electric fields and nanoparticles to visualize them, ...
For today’s episode of For Science! we show you an easy way to get those pesky helium balloon down from the rafters after a celebration. This experiment is very simple and straight-forward but ...
Well, they could buy a whole new closed-cycle system and redo their experiment completely, or they can leave everything as is and just take the helium transfer line away and plug in an RGC.
Junior helium explorer Pulsar Helium (TSXV ... to evaluate the durability of cube satellites and other scientific experiments ・Pulsar Scholars will award $2,500 quarterly to STEM students ...