目前主流电商平台,iPhone 15 Pro Max,16 Pro Max都出现了明显的跳水,亿256GB为例,iPhone 15 Pro Max到手价在7398-7899元左右。iPhone 16 Pro Max到手价则是9019-9499 ...
屏幕方面,iPhone 15 Pro max和iPhone16的屏幕尺寸是有明显区别的,iPhone 15 Pro max的尺寸为6.7英寸,iPhone 16 Pro的屏幕则是6.3英寸。不过这两块屏幕的素质 ...
在平时我们无论是早晨醒来查看时间、浏览新闻,还是在工作中处理邮件、视频会议,亦或是夜晚放松时观看视频、听音乐,手机都扮演着极其重要的角色。因此,为自己和家人选择一部称心如意的手机,成为了许多人关注的焦点。在众多手机类型中,旗舰手机以其卓越的性能、精湛 ...
The big-screen, big-battery endurance champion iPhone 15 Plus also arrives for $0.00/mo. at Verizon for Black Friday. That ...
今天,我们讨论的焦点便是苹果旗舰机型iPhone 15 Pro Max的一次重大价格调整——从最初的9999元,到如今仅需7949元,这一变化不仅标志着苹果在市场中的一次显著妥协,更是为众多期待已久却又因价格望而却步的消费者,打开了一扇新的大门。
The iPhone 16 Pro Max is the newest, largest and pro-est iPhone you can buy today. But last year's iPhone 15 Pro Max remains a capable phone, so deciding if you need to upgrade, or if you might be ...
The iPhone 15 Pro Max has all the bells and whistles you could ever want—except for a protective case. Here are the best ones available right now. My title is Senior Features Writer, which is a ...
If you've chosen the iPhone 15 Pro Max, then it's probably safe to say that you're a maximalist. And if you're not one to compromise on features, you're probably not one to compromise on cases either.