Blooming delicately along leafy vines or profusely on branching shrubs, honeysuckle in all forms is a longtime fixture in Southern gardens, in no small part due to its sweet fragrance. Winter ...
Amur Bush Honeysuckle, Lonicera maacki, is a widespread invasive across the Midwest. This shrub grows quickly and starts growing before native plants in the spring, giving it a competitive advantage, ...
It's very important to remove seeds and seed-bearing trees first, as this is the main reproduction strategy of invasive honeysuckles. A native lookalike for invasive honeysuckles is American fly ...
They are adaptable to many soil types and all light levels. Because of their suckering habits, these plants are good for mass plantings, hedges or on slopes for soil stabilization and erosion control.
Why is it invasive? Invasive honeysuckle vines grow rapidly and cover large areas. They shade out plants growing underneath them and can girdle or pull down trees. Remove invasive honeysuckle from ...