In large numbers, crown-of-thorns starfish can mow down wide swaths of coral reef. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reports that Acropora species are in the top three ...
A coral species found primarily in western and southern Japan has spread in Tokyo Bay and is threatening to destroy ecosystems in the warming waters around the capital. The coral variant Acropora ...
Among the 15 Indo-Pacific coral species in today’s notice letter are Acropora globiceps, Acropora jacquelineae and Acropora lokani. The Endangered Species Act requires the Fisheries Service to issue ...
Much of the new coral growth - a species called Acropora - is especially exposed to the reef's threats, said Dr Mike Emslie from Aims. "This means that... future disturbance can reverse the ...
SR1 was rich with several coral types, particularly Acropora, Seriatopora, and Pachyseris, along with some Cycloseris and Galaxea. SR2 was dominated by Seriatopora corals with some Galaxea present.
Multiple Acropora coral species spawned simultaneously for about an hour from around 9:30 p.m. on July 7, and a countless number of egg-sperm bundles were released into the water. “It was so mys ...