V, also known as Taehyung of BTS, recently shared the heartbreaking news of his beloved dog Yeontan's passing on Instagram. For those who have followed his career, it was clear that the little ...
V’s dog Yeontan has passed away. On December 2, the BTS member relayed the news through the following message on his Instagram Stories: Hello ARMY, are you having a warm end of the year?
BTS member Kim Taehyung has shared a bunch of pictures and videos of his beloved pet dog Yeontan, who died recently. Taking to Instagram on Monday, Taehyung, aka V, remembered Yeontan.
BTS member V has announced the death of his dog, Yeontan, in a heartfelt post. The BTS vocalist, whose real name is Kim Tae-hyung, shared a statement on his Instagram Stories on Monday (December 2 ...
BTS member V has announced the death of his dog, Yeontan, in a heartfelt post. The BTS vocalist, whose real name is Kim Tae-hyung, shared a statement on his Instagram Stories on Monday (December 2) ...