Yellow Warblers eat a lot of small caterpillars ... This means that in less than two weeks the baby bird goes from being naked, eyes still closed and unable to care for itself to being able ...
These are probably the best known and most frequently encountered wood warblers. Although variable, all yellow-rumped warblers possess a bright yellow rump, which is shared with only 2 other species.
Fortunately, a few warbler species are brave enough to visit suet feeders, says Emma. Here’s how to tell the difference ...
The yellow-browed warbler was sighted wintering around Verulamium Lake in St Albans, Hertfordshire. By January, the bird has usually migrated from its breeding grounds in Siberia to South East ...
A Warbler’s Journey, written by Pennsylvania naturalist Scott Weidensaul and illustrated by Nancy Lane, is a beautiful and informative book. Through the travels of the yellow warbler, readers learn ...