Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mohan Yadav attended the 'Run For Good Health' marathon event organised in Ujjain on January 05. He also flauted his stick-fighting skills at the event.
Kanpur: A couple was attacked by their neighbours for complain about the ruckus the latter created after consuming alcohol and substance abusein Jajma.
A planned raid by the Excise Police Team in Madhya Pradesh's Tikamgarh district turned violent when members of the liquor mafia attacked the officials. The incident occurred in Birau village under the ...
Environment minister Bhupender Yadav stoked controversy in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday after he said the ‘sengol was treated like a “walking stick” by the Congress, instead of a symbol of ...
This time he said that he would remain where he is. At least this time he should stick to his word." said RJD leader Tejshwi Yadav, as quoted by ANI. Nitish Kumar further assured the Prime ...