The United States has extended its lead over other nations as the world’s biggest exporter of weapons, with Europe now its ...
Notably, the five largest arms importers accounted for 35% of global arms imports among the 162 nations classified by SIPRI ...
Volumes of arms exports have remained constant but the recipients have changed dramatically. That's according to the latest ...
Ukraine has become the world's largest arms importer, largely due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The US is Ukraine's ...
The United States maintains its position as world's number one arms exporter, followed by France, according to a report ...
European arms imports rose 155% in 2020-24 and Ukraine has become the world's biggest arms importer following Russia's 2022 ...
Ukraine imported weapons from 35 countries between 2020 and 2024. Ukraine has imported 8.8 per cent of the total world ...
Indian arms imports fell by 9.3 per cent between 2015-19 and 2020-24, driven at least in part by India's growing capability ...
China dropped out of the top 10 arms importers' list for the first time since 1990–94, according to the report ...
Though imports from Russia are down, it still remains India’s largest arms supplier. While sourcing from Israel has also ...
Delhi’s reliance on Russia for arms reduced as it diversified towards France, Israel and the US, noted the Stockholm ...
Ukraine became the world's largest importer of major arms during the 2020-2024 period, with its imports increasing nearly 100 ...