The National Archives needs help from people with a special set of skills–reading cursive. The archival bureau is seeking volunteer citizen archivists to help them classify and/or transcribe more than ...
Our oldest grandson recently celebrated his 15th birthday. We got him a card and wrote our birthday messages in cursive handwriting. He had to ask his mother for some help ...
Once a standard in elementary schools, cursive is no longer taught to all students. A Maine lawmaker would like to change ...
If you can read cursive, the National Archives would like a word. Or a few million ... handwriting on the presumption that most of the writing students would do would be on computers.
Brigid School in Portland moved her pencil slowly across the paper, practicing the letter before moving on to the word "Catholic." She looks forward to her daily cursive lesson, especially on the ...
After watching her teacher trace the downward and upward curves of a capital C on the chalkboard, 9-year-old Camille Lebeis ...
The cursive (or "running hand") style joins the letters of a word together as when we write today. In addition, the ancients had two other styles of writing: the lapidary (from the Latin word ...