A dramatic incident unfolded in Bankarpur village when a woman, furious over the disconnection of her electricity, climbed a pole to confront a lineman who had come to cut her power supply.
A 21-year-old Norwegian woman has become the youngest person to reach the South Pole on skis, solo and without assistance, her team told AFP on Tuesday. Karen Kylleso accomplished the feat ...
A 21-year-old Norwegian woman has become the youngest person to reach the South Pole on skis, solo and without assistance, her team told AFP on Tuesday. Karen Kylleso accomplished the feat overnight ...
A 21-year-old Norwegian woman has become the youngest person to reach the South Pole on skis, solo and without assistance, her team told AFP on Tuesday. Karen Kylleso accomplished the feat ...
The most recent British woman to attempt the trek was Hannah McKeand in 2018, but she could not start due to a helicopter crash. Rosie Stancer came within 89 nautical miles of the Pole in 2007 ...
The team of four women - Ann Bancroft, Sunniva Sorby, Sue Giller, Anne Dal Vera - at the South Pole in 1993. On this day (January 14, 1993), four women arrived on skis at the South Pole.