Will Smith was reportedly joined by a Jada Pinkett-Smith doppelganger at a recent movie premiere event. On Wednesday, the unidentified lookalike of the actor's estranged wife was seen among his ...
I Felt an Electrical Shock' Will Smith Praises Working with His Canine Costar in I Am Legend: 'Like Working with a Brilliant Actress' Will Smith Says He Can Cultivate a ‘Joyful Spirit’ with ...
Smith refers to Ribeiro as "somebody who understands you in a way that other people don't understand you." Will Smith and Alfonso Ribeiro were among the great comedic duos of '90s television ...
Jamie Foxx Says Leonardo DiCaprio Stopped Reading ‘Django Unchained’ Due to Script’s Racial Slurs. Then Samuel L Jackson Told Him: ‘Say That S— Motherf—er!’ ...