Some constitutional scholars believe that Article V, which sets forth the amendment process, is the key to the Constitution's success. It establishes a process where adding amendments is not too ...
America’s millions of hunters and gun owners celebrate the monumental order signed by President Donald J. Trump on Friday Feb ...
Editor's note: This is a regular feature on issues related to the Constitution and civics education written by Paul G. Summers, retired judge and state attorney general. The U.S. Constitution is ...
I think Gov. Ron DeSantis can do better than leaning on the Second Amendment to turn his back on LGBTQ+ Floridians.
The Second Department ... New York. "We strongly believe that New York’s red flag law continues to lack sufficient and constitutionally-required procedural protections for people who might ...
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, enshrined in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, is centered not on hunting or sport shooting but on this natural right of self-defense.
As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “freedom for the thought that we ... the people’s access to bullets as well as ballots.” While the Supreme Court has decided that the Second Amendment ...