Bird baths draw warblers for a clean drink and quick dip. Use a water wiggler or a solar fountain to tempt birds while keeping mosquitoes at bay. Trees, shrubs and native plants that promote ...
The Pine Creeping Wood-Warbler, the most abundant of its tribe, is met with from Louisiana to Maine; more profusely in the warmer, and more sparingly in the colder regions, breeding wherever fir or ...
This plant I have never seen, excepting in low, damp or marshy places. It there runs over decayed trees, spreading in the form of a bower, and hanging in graceful festoons. The long pendulous clusters ...
Our collaborative work on warblers is primarily led by Dr. David Toews and his group at Pennsylvania State University as a part of their research on the diversification in the New World wood warblers.
The 'twitchers' from across the country flocked from as far away as Yorkshire to catch sight of the 'extremely rare' American yellow warbler. The foreign visitor was first spotted in New Hythe ...
These are probably the best known and most frequently encountered wood warblers. Although variable, all yellow-rumped warblers possess a bright yellow rump, which is shared with only 2 other species.
Weighing about 6.5g, which is around one-third the weight of a mouse, makes them one of New Zealand's lightest birds. They are insectivores with a habit of hovering to pick insects and spiders from ...
Once the male attracts a mate, the female finishes the nest-building process using grasses and other plant materials. The tiny nest cup is only two inches wide! In summer months, prothonotary warblers ...
This charming little warbler is an increasingly common sight in autumn, when migrants pass through the UK. Classified in the UK as Amber under the Birds of Conservation Concern 5: the Red List for ...