Therefore, an increasing number of voltage regulators are required. The low drop-out (LDO) voltage regulator is often used to provide a stable and highly-accurate low-noise output voltage. The LDO ...
[Afroman] contacted us to share his new video on the LM317. The humble LM317 adjustable voltage regulator is everywhere. From wifi routers, to high spec lab equipment. Given a noisy input and a ...
The power-delivery network (PDN) in between the voltage regulator and the load greatly impacts the ability of the regulator ...
They claim that their novel technique enables the regulation of the DC link voltage and is able to compensate reactive power while supplying active power to a local load in grid-connected operation.
Inside the latest 16-phase power controller from Alpha and Omega Semiconductor and how it helps feed power-hungry GPUs and ...
The Aeonic Power™ HC is a high-current, on-die voltage regulation solution that delivers local, distributed power, enabling fine-grained Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) for computational ...
A conventional transformer is built with separate primary and secondary windings, ensuring complete electrical isolation ...
[fvfilippetti] was tired of dealing with this on his motorcycle, so he built a custom voltage regulator using MOSFETs instead. Unlike a modern car alternator, which can generate usable voltage ...