Looking for information on Virac Airport, Virac, Philippines? Know about Virac Airport in detail. Find out the location of Virac Airport on Philippines map and also find out airports near to Virac.
If you can't find what you're looking for at Virac Airport, there could be more car hire options in Virac and sometimes, they're cheaper. You just have to remember that the added cost of a transfer ...
THE Philippine government has allotted P7.7 billion for infrastructure upgrades to 15 airports nationwide, which could help bolster tourism and improve the country’s aging and outdated air facilities, ...
The ordinance covers 43 barangays within a five-kilometer radius of the Virac Airport. In recent months, CAAP personnel have confiscated several kites in the vicinity of the airport.
The DOTr also set aside for Virac Airport (P280 million), Antique Airport (P125 million), New Bohol Airport Construction and Sustainable Environment Protection project (P90 million) and Bukidnon ...