This new adventure film tells of the adorable twin brothers Upin and Ipin together with their friends Ehsan, Fizi, Mail, Jarjit, Mei Mei, and Susanti, and their quest to save a fantastical kingdom ...
Together with their newly found friends, Rajoo the animal-whispering boy, Rose the village beauty, and her two mischievous twin brothers, Upin and Ipin, they work together to unravel the secrets ...
One of the pioneering forces behind Malaysia’s animation industry, Les’ Copaque Production, is set to make waves once again with a console game of its beloved TV series, Upin & Ipin.
While making the recent hit animated movie Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal, Les’ Copaque Production went looking for a local company that could handle the rendering process for the film.