An irreverent, modern, non-traditional re-telling of Ulysses, told rapidly by a succession of over 75 international actors. The film maintains the rhythm of the novel's stream of consciousness ...
Paris, France, February 2, 1922. The novel Ulysses, by Irish writer James Joyce (1882-1941), is published by US poet Sylvia Beach (1887-1962), owner of the small bookstore Shakespeare & Co.
Read up on the latest Ulysses 1967 News, Reviews and Features from the team at Collider. Your comment has not been saved James Joyce's novel comes to life, chronicling a day in the life of Leopold ...
In the ancient Greek city of Ithaca, many impatiently await the return of their king Ulysses and his warriors from the Trojan War. Among these, Ulysses' devoted wife Penelope and his grown son ...
Dublin; June 16, 1904. Stephen Dedalus, who fancies himself as a poet, embarks on a day of wandering about the city during which he finds friendship and a father figure in Leopold Bloom, a middle ...
Favignana is understood to be the place where Homer wrote that Ulysses and his crew landed ... is likely to film part of the movie on Sicily’s Eolian island. Other locations will include ...
But the bulk of the mythical action movie's Sicily shoot will be in Favignana ... "The Odyssey" recounts the 10-year journey of Ulysses, King of Ithaca, as he travels home after the Trojan ...
A flying squirrel puppet, a feisty 10-year-old named Flora, and a boy banished from England with temporary blindness join forces for a delightful theatrical adventure in “Flora & Ulysses,” an ...