A recent promotional giveaway for the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 film rewarded fans with a Christmas sweater featuring the popular character's original movie design. While the films have found ...
Many adult ugly Christmas sweaters are somewhat risque, or flat-out openly sexual, in imagery or design. Others have off-color jokes or foul language, or refer to something parents may not be ...
If you want to get into the holiday spirit and are wondering what to wear this holiday, don’t forget to check out Christmas sweaters and their history, you will find it super interesting.
Tis the season for many holiday traditions, including the Ugly Christmas Sweater—you know, those 1950s-style heavy knits featuring some kind of cartoonish seasonal decoration, like snowflakes ...
Some people dress up for the holidays, but many others dress down―in the tackiest sweaters they can find. Since ugly Christmas sweaters took off in the 1980s, they have become more than just a ...