Today, though, user interaction types have evolved. Each interaction type, which combines two humans or a human and a ...
Plastic pollution from food packaging, like tea bags, releases billions of MNPL particles, which can infiltrate human cells, ...
I am one of the scientists on the team, exchanging and learning how people across the continents have been imposed on to deal ...
AI and robots bring legal, ethical, and societal challenges to humans. A new handbook discusses societal impacts, values, and ...
What is Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience? Whether we’re typing on a keyboard, swiping a smartphone, or asking a home speaker to play a favorite dance mix, we interact with computers and ...
Moon, Y., and C. I. Nass. How "Real" Are Computer Personalities? Psychological Responses to Personality Types in Human-Computer Interaction. Communication Research 23, no. 6 (December 1996): 651–674.