Seven other officials were summoned on Monday. In response to sanctions by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada), which had banned the Tunisian flag from competitions, it was covered on Friday ...
Mahjoub Mahjoubi, who hails from Tunisia but came to France 38 years ... circulated online showing him describing a "tricolour flag" as "satanic" and saying it has "no value with Allah".
The heads of Tunisia's swimming federation and National Anti-Doping Organisation (ANAD) have been arrested after the country's flag was covered at a meet in Tunis, a prosecutor's office spokesman ...
France has expelled a Tunisian Muslim cleric, Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi, for his "unacceptable" comments on the French flag. In a statement, the French Interior Ministry called Mahjoubi a 'radical Imam'.
The Salafi movement grew in prominence, with high-profile incidents such as the replacement of a Tunisian flag by a black Islamist flag at Manouba University in Tunis in March. In September, rioters ...