A type of 3D FinFET transistor from Intel introduced in 2011 with its Ivy Bridge microarchitecture. The Tri-Gate design is considered 3D because the gate wraps around a raised source-to-drain ...
Furthermore, non-planar designs such as tri-gate transistors are being developed to mitigate problems arising, for example, from short-channel effects. Combined, these innovations and strategies ...
The Ivy Bridge processor's Tri-Gate transistors provide triple the surface area for electrons to travel compared with conventional 2-D gates. With early performance results showing significantly ...
Intel calls this tri-gate and Robert Chau is co-inventor of the tri-gate transistor. That will be another dramatic change, and we will see a lot of these important moves in the future. The ...
After a decade-long research in Intel’s labs, the company announced a new 3D transistor structure named “Tri-Gate” that will allow to boost performances and efficiency in the new chips that Intel will ...
SAN JOSE and SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 25, 2013 --Altera Corporation and Intel Corporation today announced that the companies have entered into an agreement for the future manufacture of Altera FPGAs ...
After 11 years in the R&D lab, Intel launched Monday the first of its highly-anticipated third-generation Ivy Bridge Core processors based on its debut 22nm tri-gate transistor technology.