On Earth, he meets human teenager Charlene “Charlie” Watson (Hailee Steinfeld), who befriends and names him “Bumblebee.” The latest Transformers movie is a direct follow-up of 2018’s ...
Solo stories like Bumblebee add tenderness and character development to the Transformers universe, setting up emotional stakes. Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, deserves his own movie to ...
Heck, the Bay franchise has made close to $5 billion at the box office ... they wanted to get many more Transformers into the ...
this is perhaps the first Transformers film that makes the audience root for the characters – humans and robots alike – to live on in the sequels. Overall, Bumblebee is an enjoyable film about ...
Despite its many difficulties, the Transformers movie franchise has accumulated over $5 billion at the global ... was the 1986 animated G1 movie. Bumblebee effectively rebooted the movie ...
From the original cartoon Bumblebee G1 to his latest appearance in the latest movie instalment of the franchise, Transformers: Rise of The Beasts. Optimus Prime has gone through a limited amount ...